True Woman 2012

One of my all time favorite things in the world is the True Woman conferences.  I've been three times and I'm never disappointed.  I am always overwhelmed with truth and a fresh understanding of myself and my God.

This year, I had the pleasure of introducing eight new women to the conference.  They came with hungry, seeking hearts, and before it was all over, most of them were waving their white hankies in true surrender to God.  It was an honor and a pleasure to be among them.  Around the table on Saturday, each woman told what had especially touched her own heart over the weekend.  It was so beautiful to see such an eager response to Jesus Christ and fresh conviction to live for Him.

I need more of that in my life., scratch that, OFTEN I lack the freshness I so need in my Christian walk.  I don't stop long enough to taste and see that the Lord is good and I find myself floundering on a path I've set for myself, never consulting God as I take each difficult step.

And so, having come through that Furnace of Affliction, still seeking God on the other side, I have been trying to determine what true submission in the Christian life looks like.  And not just the Christian life, the Christian life of a single girl.

It's definitely the beginning of a journey...or perhaps the middle of a journey that I'm finally opening my eyes to.

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